趨勢巨流河 2022-03-27


1.Mrs. de León requested that she _____ to work on Saturdays due to her religious beliefs.

(A) not be scheduled (B) is scheduling (C) never schedules (D) schedule

2.Dr. Watanabe specifically asked Nurse Aoki _____ here by 7 a.m.

(A) is (B) being (C) to be (D) would be

3.Sarah’s office is too small for her filing cabinet _____ desk chair.

(A) and (B) thus (C) nor (D) also

4.Please handle these chemical substances with _____.

(A) careful (B) caring (C) carefree (D) care

5._____ our competitors, our store is open 24 hours a day for your convenience.

(A) Instead of (B) Rather than (C) Unlike (D) Similar


1.【答案】(A),[句型] Request that S + (should) + 原V;should省略,that引導的子句中,要用原型動詞。原句應為...she should not be scheduled to work on Saturdays。

2.【答案】(C),[句型] Ask + 人 + to + 原V。

3.【答案】(A),對等連接詞and連接filing cabinet跟desk chair。

4.【答案】(D),[片語] with care = carefully。



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