Campus focus 2022-11-16

All-Cloud Intelligent 2.0 Launched in Tamkang

Office of Information Services held the International Conference on Smart Campus and Exhibition (ICSC&E) 2022 in Chang Yeo Lan International Conference Hall, Hsu Shou-Chlien International Conference Center on November 11. During the opening ceremony, the audience witnessed the unveiling ceremony of Center for Digital Empowerment co-founded by TKU and Microsoft Taiwan, the launching ceremony of the university consortium innovation application projects led by Ministry of Education (MOE), and of Smart and Magnificent Future – Digital Learning Sustainable SPROUT Consortium of 6 universities. In the afternoon, the launching ceremony of 5G Agile Communications on Campus • Cloud PBX of TKU and FET, as well as the information exhibition of all-cloud intelligent campus 2.0. Nearly 300 attendees were at present.

In the opening ceremony, President Huan-Chao Keh said that TKU had collaborated with Microsoft on all-cloud campus. This year, TKU has FET 5G Metaverse join in the collaboration to build a campus of net zero carbon emissions and to create all-cloud intelligent campus 2.0 so as to assist the faculty, staff and students of the university to make innovative application in various aspects such as learning, teaching, production, research and administration. Chairman of Association of Private Universities and Colleges, Ming-Guo Her pointed out in his remark that private universities had excellent performance in cultivating talents for all industries, so it was a great deal for MOE to encourage them. President of TKU Alumni Association, Dr. Lawrence Lin mentioned in his remark that he had been deeply influenced by AI, even though he graduated from the department of chemistry. Learning AI is of great significance to the future life.

The theme of the conference was Resilient Sustainability, Empowered Future, AI+SDGs=∞. 4 experts and scholars were invited to deliver speeches on topics of All-Cloud Intelligent Campus 2.0, New Thinking, New Action, New Services in post-pandemic era, and others. They were Shouzheng Chen, General Manager of Microsoft’s public business group on Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability – A Talk on the vision and layout of Resilient Sustainable Campus, Peter Hu, Executive Vice President of FET on FET 5G Metaverse – All Cloud Intelligent Campus 2.0, De-Tai Liu, Chief Strategy Officer of IIII Job Bank on Future University Graduate’s Job Opportunities in Metaverse, and Chin-Hwa Kuo, Dean of the Office of Information Services on AI+SDGs=∞ Strategy and Action toward All-Cloud Intelligent Campus 2.0.

In the afternoon, 3 theme seminars were held at Hsu Shou-Chlien International Conference Center simultaneously: Metaverse and Teaching Innovation, Intelligent Campus and Cloud Application on Campus, as well as School Studies and Employment Matching. In the seminars, 18 subtopics were discussed by supervisors from MOE in information-related field and scholars.


本報導連結 #SDG4優質教育 #SDG8尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #SDG9產業創新與基礎設施 #SDG11永續城市與社區 #SDG17夥伴關係

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