Campus focus 2022-11-16

AI Learning & Teaching Activity Reached 5,000 visits, Smart Interactive Wall launched

College of AI and College of Engineering co-held the launching ceremony of AI Smart Interactive Wall in the activity named Fun AI · Sustainable Learning & Teaching at the AI reality field of College of Engineering. In the event, SINBON Cup and SINBON Scholarship for Internship, both sponsored by Joseph Wang, Chairman of SINBON Electronics, were presented. In the meantime, guests celebrated more than 5,000 faculty and students participated in AI learning and Teaching activities. Dr. Tzung-Hang Lee, Dean of both College of Engineering and College of AI, said that in the future, the university would not only keep continuous collaboration with WIN and SINBON to build sustainable field and develop sustainable career, but also cooperate intensively with enterprises, innovate and set up close connections with them.

Chairperson Chang, President Keh, Chin-Tsai Chen, Joseph Wang pressed the start button together at the launching ceremony. Guests and colleagues at present were instantly set with roles in metaverse, shown on the interactive wall. It was fun to see a person and his sock puppet in the same picture, by which, the interactive wall provided the interaction of virtual and real in the field.

In the event, Joseph Wang attended the awarding ceremony of SINBON Intern Ace Competition and SINBON Scholarship for Internship as presenter. In his remark, he mentioned with emotion that he himself was the son from a civil-servant family. It’s been very hard in his school period. Therefore, he feels happy to help others like the dandelion dispersing seeds when he is able to do so.

At the end of the activity, the interactive wall showed a QR code so that guests can download an app and win the limited released NFT. There were 2 styles of NFT issued with 50 copies for each: Realize AI Sustainable Field with WIN Semiconductors and Develop Student Sustainable Career with SINBON Electronics. The activity ended with Guests busy swiping their phones and enjoying collecting.


本報導連結 #SDG4優質教育 #SDG9產業創新與基礎設施 #SDG11永續城市與社區 #SDG12負責任的消費與生產 #SDG17夥伴關係

NO.1153 | 更新時間:2022-11-16 | 點閱:685 | 下載:

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