趨勢巨流河 2023-03-19


1.Brussels is _____ of all of Belgium’s major cities.

(A) expensive (B) most expensive (C) more expensive (D) the least expensive

2._____ representatives of cybersecurity companies, hackers have targeted government agencies, sending bogus e-mails to extract confidential information.

(A) According to (B) Regarding (C) For the sake of (D) In exchange for

3.If for some reason you do not want to answer _____ of the questions asked in the interview, you can tell me “It’s private” and we will move on.

(A) any (B) every (C) none (D) other

4.Although initially _____ to be an export crop, cocoa was mainly sold to local markets due to low prices.

(A) expecting (B) was expecting (C) expected (D) had expected

5.During the dry season, the water flow will fall so much _____ the dam will generate less than 10 percent of capacity.

(A) that (B) than (C) although (D) therefore



2.【答案】(A),(A)根據;(B)關於;(C)為了;(D)交換。Bogus =假的。


4.【答案】(C),原句本為although initially cocoa was expected to …,分詞構句,省略前後相同主詞,被動保留p.p.。

5.【答案】(A),句型so ~ that ~如此 ~ 以至於 ~。水位下降如此地快以至於生產力減少。


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