Campus focus 2024-01-08

紹新講堂Unveiled at B302B with Joint Donations from Alumni Including Joseph Wang

The Department of Business Administration gathered more than 10 alumni to collectively donate around NT$4 million for the redesign and renovation of room B302B at the Business Building. In recognition of the generous donation, the department established the “紹新講堂” named after Joseph Wang, an honorary doctorate recipient and the chairman of SINBON Electronics Co., Ltd. who also serves as a director of the university. On December 18, an unveiling ceremony was held with the participation of Lawrence Lin, chairman and general consultant of the TKU Alumni Association, Academic Vice President Hsu Hui-Huang, and Dean of the College of Business and Management Li-Ren Yang. The four characters of “紹新講堂” were personally handwritten by Hon. Dr. Wang in running hand script, while the name of the department was inscribed on the opposite wall by the Chair of the Department of Business Administration, Dr. Yong-Sheng Chang, creating a complementary and harmonious display.

Dr. Yong-Sheng Chang expressed, “In recognition of Hon. Dr. Joseph Wang's long-term selfless dedication to the university, including donations for scholarships and other assistance to many junior students, his spirit is truly admirable. With him being awarded an honorary doctorate during this year's anniversary celebration and coinciding with the need for renovations in classroom B302B, naming the classroom in his honor adds a deeper and more meaningful significance.”

Lawrence Lin also especially praised the equipment and furnishings of B302B, stating that they are comparable to those of national universities and can be extensively utilized in the future. The lecture hall features first-class computer equipment, bright lighting, brand-new desks and chairs, as well as elegant walls, floor tiles, and curtains. The overall configuration and planning meet top standards. After the renovation, the lecture hall will be used for classes and lectures. Dr. Chang hopes to provide students with an excellent learning environment and leave a positive impression on parents and high school students visiting Tamkang University, believing it will significantly contribute to enrollment.

The generous donors will have their names turned into golden labels and magnetically attached to the "紹新講堂" under the symbol "∞". In addition to Joseph Wang, the contributors include Taipei Financial Development Foundation Chairman and Tamkang University Trustee Wu-Tien Chou, Lucky Star Enterprise & Co., Ltd. Chairman Chao-Hsiung Yeh, Good House Construction Co., Ltd. Chairman Li-Ying Hsieh, Kwang-Lien Construction Chairman Cheng-Fu Yeh, Hsin Yuan Hsing Corporation Chairman Hung-Hsun Liu, Taiwan Paiho Limited Vice Chairman Yi-Ming Lin, ITI Group Executive Director Dick Lin, Jiuh Dong Enterprises Co., Ltd. Vice Chairman Li-Yu Lin, R. PM. Co., Ltd. CEO Kuan-Chieh Huang, and Taipei Financial Center Corporation Chairman's Secretary Chih-Wei Fan.


本報導連結 #SDG4優質教育 #SDG8尊嚴就業與經濟發展 #SDG9產業創新與基礎設施 #SDG11永續城市與社區 #SDG17夥伴關係

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