NO. 599


MOE hosted a “Symposium on the Administrative Principles of University Education” on March 3, 2005 at the Central Joint Office Building, Taipei. Administrative chiefs of six universities and seven colleges, including TKU, National Cheng Kong University, National Sun Yat-sun University, participated in the meeting. TKU Secretary-General of Office of the Secretariat, Dr. Tung Wan, attended the forum and reported on nine programs to meet the MOE’s administrative principles, which won MOE’s high recognition.

MOE’s four-year educational policy, “Creating in Taiwan, Advancing in the World: Fostering the New Talented Civilian,” consists of 4 creeds, 13 strategies, and 33 programs. Every program is instructed with various guidelines. All the universities and colleges of the country were commanded to set up individual executive plans, strategies, and guidelines to meet MOE’s policy, and to summit the program to MOE by the December of 2004. After surveying all the programs from all the schools, thirteen universities or colleges, including TKU, National Cheng Kung University, National Sun Yat-sun University, Chang Gung University, Tsing Hua University, Ming Chuan University, are selected as models for other schools in the symposium.

TKU Secretary-General, Dr. Tung Wan, indicates that TKU has offered 9 programs to meet the policy, including “Promoting English Proficiency Test,” “Enforcing Physical and Health Education,” “Increasing Quality of Student,” “Personnel Training,” “Internationalization of the Schools above High School,” “Integration of Higher Education with Economical Development and Global Trends,” “Fostering Diverse Foreign Languages Ability,” “Specification of Unique Characteristic of the School,” and “Attracting Foreign Students.” Every program is substantiated with specific strategies, plans, schedules, and expected progress.

After the reports by six schools, Director of Department of Higher Education, Te-hua Chen, especially praised two projects by TKU, “Participating in Regular Physical Exercises” and “Doing Physical Exercise for at Least 30-60 Minutes Per Day.” He agreed to subsidize the facilitation of Gymnasium and other equipments for the aforementioned projects. In addition, MOE also recognize TKU’s project of expanding the funding of reading conference paper in abroad for both graduate and undergraduate students. (Chi-szu Chen)

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