NO. 606


TKU’s 2005 hottest summer bikini party begins at 7 p.m. this Friday (April 29) on the herding grass beside the library of Tamsui campus. Female students with bikinis (small outfits allowed) members of Graduation Organization and Students Association with student IDs or other identifications enjoy free admission. Other students, however, have to pay for the admission.

For graduates-to-be like Tsai Chun-heh (senior from Department of Aerospace Engineering), current chair of the 26th Graduation Organization, the last summer before graduation is coming. After three years’ suspension, outdoor graduation ball will be for the first time held on the herding grass beside the library. Performers invited to the party include Plush, Party Room, MOS, and TU, and famous star Hsiao-Chung (once a member of TKU’s dance club) and his partner Skinhead will be the soul of party. All the party-goers are surely to release their energy and “explode” Tamkang under the summer sky!

Some part-time jobs (with hourly pay above NT$150) need to be taken urgently: girl students confident about their figures or boy students (taller than 175 cm) capable of fulfilling tough tasks may send photos and personal data to Graduation Organization’s mailbox: before this Wednesday (April 27).

Besides, the setting of party will be built with Southeast Asian and Basanova styles, creating the ambiance of summer and making all the bikini girls and beach boys sway their bodies with Hip Hop music, enjoy the summer evening breeze and release their tension.

Tsai Chun-heh also indicated that an activity of toasting will be held during the party, in which everybody can bless herself and others. This activity, according to Tsai, represents the continuity of Tamkang’s tradition: seniors will end their college life and proceed to another stage in their life, while juniors will be blessed to have a brighter new semester. (~ Han-yu Huang )

NO.606 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1152 | Download:

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