NO. 611


Approved by Ministry of Education, Lanyang Campus will recruit 200 students to her four departments and two colleges this summer. According to Director of Lanyang Campus, Lin Jyh-horng, the recruitment will target at certain bilingual high schools. Last Wednesday (May 25), Director Lin, accompanied with two directors of campus organization, Lee Pei-chi and Tsai Jeng-yan, held a forum with teachers and students of Chong Tao High School of Yilan County to publicize the new campus.

Director Lin introduced three main characteristics of Lanyang campus—interdisciplinary curriculum, bilingual education, and junior abroad program. Because Chong Tao High School already has a bilingual educational tradition, Director Lin visited the school again to detail for their understanding of Lanyang campus. In the forum, the recruiting team answered a couple of questions of the students.

Since the students are required to live in the campus, one may wonder if the environment has been well facilitated for various living conditions. Director Lin indicated that Lanyang campus was designed with shopping center, spaces and facilities for sports, entertainments, and extracurricular activities.

In answering some students’ worry about their English ability, Director Lin assured them that before the students enter Tamkang University, the school will screen their English proficiency into different levels, and then teachers will instruct students to improve their English and prepare for the TOFEL test.

Some students question if they can apply for famous abroad university in their junior abroad program. Director Lin replied that the junior abroad program is hosted by the sister universities of Tamkang University, but the students’ choices are not restricted in the sister schools if they are good enough.

In addition, Director Lin indicated that during the coming joint-exam season the publicity campaign will focus on initiating high school teachers to provide information about Lanyang campus to their students. Elaborated brochure of the new campus is prepared for this purpose.

The new campus includes College of Entrepreneurial Development (with Departments of Tourism and Hotel Management, Marketing and Distribution Management, Software Engineering, and Information and Communications Technology Management) and College of Global Research and Development (with Departments of Global Culture and Language Studies and Global Studies on Politics and Economics). Each department will recruit 50 students in this summer.


Approved by the MOE, Lanyang campus will adopt quarter system, which is different from the usual semester system in other campuses. To clarify the possible confusion caused by the differences between the two systems, related regulations about minor and double-major in Lanyang campus are established and approved in the meeting of academic affairs on May 13.

According to the quarter system to be used in Lanyang campus, every school year contains two semesters; every semester contains two quarters; every quarter encompasses 9 weeks. The schedules for the four quarters are as follows:

First quarter: September 12 to November 13, 2005

Second quarter: November 14, 2005 to January 10, 2006,

Third quarter: February 20, to April 23, 2006,

Fourth quarter: April 24 to June 20, 2006.

Director Lin indicates that this system follows that in Oxford University.

The graduation credit of the four departments is set at 128. In registration, every student has to enroll courses of two quarters, and add or reduce courses during the reenrollment period of the first quarter. In the first and second school years, every student has to enroll minimum 6 credits and maximum 12 credits. In the third school year, all students shall join abroad study program. In the fourth school year, minimum 3 and maximum 12 credits. Students are graded by four levels (A, B, C, D). Those who are graded B or above in the first and second quarters can enroll two more credits in the third quarter.

According to the modified regulation, students in Lanyang campus can apply for minor and double-major in Lanyang campus only; however, students in Tamsui campus are welcomed to transfer to Lanyang campus. Students of Lanyang campus who want to apply for double-major should take more than 12 credits with average grade above 75 in the first semester, and then apply in the second semester. In addition, the flunking rules are also applied in Lanyang campus: those who fail one half of the credits of a semester (two quarters) for two times are forced to leave school. However, this is not applied for those who take less than 6 credits in a semester, such as transferred student and those who postpone graduating. (~ Chi-szu Chen )

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