NO. 625


People who pass by Business and Management Building will notice the construction site near the parking lot in back of the Building. The site, constructed by TKU and at its final stage of construction, will become “Stone Garden” and “Coffee Stop of the Blinds” for blind students of TKU. Jeng Hoang-ell, Associate Professor of Dept. of Architecture, who is in charge of the design for this friendly space, indicates that after the construction is completed, TKU will be the first university to offer land to create the “friendly space”.

This “friendly space,” containing a wooded footpath, which connect the “Garden for the Blinds”, “Field for the Blinds”, and “Coffee Stop of the Blinds,” is also a theme park to experience the “non-visual lives.”

This “Stone Garden” is established with high standards for visually-impaired persons. Although it is still under construction, some students have already lingered on this special green land. Beside the parking space of Business and Management Building will be the “Coffee Stop of the Blinds”, at which blind students will make coffee for the guests. The coffee shop will be an all dark environment, offering people an experience of non-visual lives.

Prof. Jeng expresses that both constructions are at the final stage. This week, “Coffee Stop of the Blinds” will be in the process of interior decoration, and the pavilion outside is going to be painted, too. Moreover, “Stone Garden”, which is loved by both blind and non-blind students, is going to be covered by soil and planted with grass. “Although sometimes it is painful to be urged by the schedule, I believe that the outcome will be happy!” said Jeng smilingly. (~Shu-chun Yen )

NO.625 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1247 | Download:

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