NO. 633


The Chemistry Department of TKU will host the 1st National Chung-ling Chemistry Innovation Contest on this coming Saturday (25) at its departmental auditorium. There will be 274 high school students representing 70 groups from all over the island to attend this competition.

On that day, a written test has been scheduled in the morning assessing basic Chemistry, and the best 30 groups from this test will be allowed to attend the second stage of the contest, which is about innovative experiments. At the same time, two presentations have been arranged as well to address current issues in biochemistry and material chemistry respectively. In addition, a campus tour will be organized for the parents and family of these students in the afternoon.

According to Wang Bo-cheng, the Chair of the department, the top three groups of students from the competition will be awarded with prize money (amount ranging from NT$ 10,000 to 15,000 to 30,000), a medal, and a certificate of achievement. Tseng Jung-hua, head of Alumni Association of Dept. of Chemistry reveals that TKU is delighted to have such an opportunity to host this kind of event as it will not only promote the excellent facilities of the university, but also attract outstanding students to study here. (~ Ying-hsueh Hu )

NO.633 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1093 | Download:

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