NO. 638


Graduating students of the English department are going to perform one of the Shakespeare’s classics, King Lear, in the experiment theater of Liberal Arts Building at 7:30 on Tuesday (March 28), Wednesday, and Thursday tonight. The audiences are scheduled to enter the theatre at 7 P.M.

The director, Wu Ya-zhu, a senior of English department, states that the play follows the storyline of Shakespeare’s King Lear, but the plot is a subverting creation. For example, the personality of the older sisters are changed from rude and sinister to kind and straight-forward. The adaptation reflects feminist ideas, and adds several local drama elements such as from “Taiwan Thunderbolt”. One of the important characteristics is that the story time is set between the 40s and 70s. The language is converted from Renaissance English to contemporary oral English to help students to understand easily. (~ Johnny Chu & Peiling Hsia )

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