NO. 643


Many people do not associate military officers with therapy; however, they play a very important role in today’s campus in providing either guidance or counseling to students. According to the March evaluation on this regard in colleges and high schools conducted by the Ministry of Education, TKU’s military officers were considered the most effective and diligent. They had served at least half of the student population by the time of the evaluation (49.2%).

Among most of categories that were evaluated, TKU military officers performed the most satisfactory. These categories include first aid provision, emergency handling, emotional support, visit to students’ residence, and contact with the families. TKU are ahead of 37 other universities.

The care rendered to students is the first and foremost concern for all the officers served on campus, according to the Director of the Office of Military Education and Training, Wang Bang-cheng. Their dedication can be seen everywhere. For instance, since two of TKU students lost their lives in a traffic accident in March, his office has intensified the campaign for greater traffic safety on the 10 most dangerous junctions around campus by wearing helmets, following traffic rules and drive carefully and defensively.

Officers also take students’ living condition seriously. They regularly check the safety facilities provided by students’ landlords that include the fire escape, electricity and gas devices, and surveillances at the entrance. When these are below standard, they will request the Student Housing Guidance Section of the Office of Student Affairs to contact the landlords for improvement.

NO.643 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1159 | Download:

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