NO. 645


The annual “Rhine Cup” of friendly matches hosted specifically for and by the German departments from various universities in Taiwan will take place this year at TKU on May 27 and 28. Faculty and students from universities such as Fu-jen, Dong-Wu and Chinese Culture will attend.

Zhai Yi-Jen, the Chair of the German Student Association is very excited about this upcoming event as it is the only time in a year, all German majors, who are not many to begin with, could meet and compete in a very relaxing atmosphere. The competition items in arts and literature include Poetry Reciting, Drama, and Choir for the first day. The second day will be filled with sport events that include basketball, volleyball and Tug-of-war. TKU German Department will put on “Elisabeth” for the Drama competition and is confident that they will outshine other departments. (~ Ying-hsueh Hu )

NO.645 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1208 | Download:

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