NO. 706


“The Third International Conference on World Security,” co-hosted by International Studies College, TKU, and International Relations College, American University, is to take place on March 10, at Ching-sheng International Conference Hall. The theme of the conference is “The Security and Prosperity of East Asia and the World.” Mr. Liang Ying-pin, Secretary General of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is invited to address in the opening ceremony. Dr. Tai Wan-chin, Vice President for International Affairs, indicates that American University has been contracted as TKU’s sister university since December 2007, we expect this conference to initiate the academic cooperation between the two universities.

Dr. Louis Goodman, Dean of International Relations College, American University, will lead Dr. Hector E. Schamis, Dr. Chao Chuan-sheng, Dr. Randolph B. Persaud, and other scholars to participant the conference. There will be ten papers presented during the meeting, and one round table discussion on “Taiwan and USA Relation.” The discussion will be hosted by Mr. Chen Hsi-fan, Taiwan representative to USA, and joined with Dr. Chao Chuan-sheng (American University), Dr. Lee, Thomas B.( (Emeritus Professor of Institute of American Studies), Dr. Chao Chun-shan (Institute of Mainland China Studies), Dr. Chen I-hsin (Institute of American Studies), Dr. David Kleykamp (Dept. of Economic), Dr. Wong Ming-hsien (Institute of Strategic Studies), and Dr. Sheen, Marshall (Institute of American Studies). ( ~Chen Chi-szu )

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