NO. 724


The result of a survey on qualifications and requirement of 2009 master’s students by Global View Magazine and 104 Job Bank is just out. TKU is ranked ninth, tying up with National Sun Yat-sen University, and it is the only private university on the top 10 list, above many public universities. For this, President Flora Chia-I Chang modestly said, “Although TKU is on the top among private universities, other universities are making fast progress. TKU should continue to catch up with the best public universities.”

The survey divided graduate schools into five categories: 1. 1nformation technology, engineering, mathematics and physics; 2. business management; 3. mass communication and fine arts; 4. languages and social sciences; 5. law, political science, economics and psychology. Among the best institutes of business management TKU ranked the fifth nationally and the first among private universities while among the best institutes of category 1, eighth nationally and also the first among private universities. As among the best institutes of category 4, TKU ranked the sixth, higher than Cheng Kung and other national universities. TKU is impressively on the top among private universities for both the overall best graduate institutes for the last 3 years and the overall best performance of master’s students.

In addition, according to “The 2009 Best Graduate Institutes Guide” published by CHEERS on Sept. 16, the Institutes of Business Administration, Electro-Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering of TKU are among the top 20, competing with well-reputed national universities.

This survey is based on the criteria of academic reputation and entrepreneurial favors in three fields: business administration, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. Among the best institutes of business administration, TKU’s Institutes of Business Administration ranked the 14th nationally and the first among private universities while it is the 10th favored by enterprises, better than Cheng Kung University and Taipei University of Technology and other national universities. The Chair of the Institute of Business Administration, Dr. Ying-chen Hung mentioned that if this survey had used the latest dada, his institute could be much better. The survey is a very good reference for the future evaluation of his department and institute. The Institute of Electrical Engineering ranked the 16th and the Chair of the Institute of Electrical Engineering, Dr. Ching-chang Wong said, “Among private universities we are the first for both the number of NRS research grunts per person and the amount of each NRS grunt. The contribution by our alumni is a driving force for us to make good progress.” He also hoped that TKU would more actively recruit outstanding professors. The Institute of Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Engineering ranked the 15th, and the Chair, Dr. Tzung-hang Lee, expressed that the survey had helped to raise the reputation of the Institute, and they would try to be on the top 10 list in the next two years.

The two surveys by Global View Magazine and CHEERS well reputed the performances of TKU’s graduate institutes, especially in business administration and engineering. President Flora Chia-I Chang confirmed that both Colleges of Business and Engineering are our future development focus. They won such good recognition that they would be better off in future academic evaluations. She also expected that every department and institute would keep harmonious relationships between teachers and students, continue to enhance academic research and cooperation between studies and practice. ( ~Dean X. Wang )

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