NO. 725


Center for Teacher Education wins awards again! Part-time Lecturer, Huang Shu-hsin, and student of the center Hong Li-wen won awards for 2008 Educational Practice. Huang won “Award for Model Advisor”; Hong won “Award for Model Student of Educational Practice.” This the Center’s third consecutive year for winning awards.

Among the five winners, Huang Shu-hsin s the only teacher from private university. While among the 20 winners, Hong Li-wen is one of the two students from private universities. Dr. Yu Chia-cheng, Director of the Center, indicates that the awards show the fruitful results of the center’s educational efforts, and expects to have the award consecutively.

Huang Shu-hsin has taught in the Center since 2005 academic year. Her classes, “Class Management” and “Educational Practice for High School” are popular among students. She remarks modestly that the winning of the award should be attributed to the joint efforts of all the teachers and faculty members of the Center.

Hong Li-wen, graduated form Dept. of History, TKU. In the 2007 academic year, she was advised to do educational practices in Hsing Jen Elementary School of Taipei County for half a year. Her performances in teaching, administration, and tutoring were highly appreciated by the teachers and students of the school. Hong expresses that she has learned a lot during the educational practices, especially from the direction and encouragement of her advisor, Dr. Sung Pei-fen. ( ~Chen Chi-szu )

NO.725 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1294 | Download:

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