NO. 749


At L103 on April 15, the Department of French organized the Meeting with the director and the child star of the French movie Magique! Students were enthusiastically striving to see the elegant demeanors of the French director Philippe Muyl and the lovely child star Louis Dussol. The Department Chair Shu-chuan Yang said, “This is an excellent opportunity for students to practice their French by directly talking to the director and the actor!”

Magic! (Magique!) is another movie full of imagination and magic after The Butterfly (Le Papillon) by Philippe Muyl. During the Meeting, some extracts of the movie were shown. Philippe Muyl stated that everyone should grasp happiness nearby. The students of the Department of French welcomed them by singing the song in the movie and together Louis Dussol happily sang it with them. He also sang some French songs composed by himself. The lively and lovely Louis Dussol even imitated Michael Jackson’s dancing actions. The happy and enjoyable scene was incomparable.

The activity of presenting gift movie tickets came the last. When the Director asked students what they would do in the future, French senior Jue-li Wang put up his hand, answering, “I want to study French well and visit France.” He luckily got a gift ticket, and happily he said, “I’ll go to see this much expected movie at once!” ( ~Dean X. Wang )

NO.749 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1247 | Download:

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