NO. 765


2009 Forum of Taiwan International Safe school and Safe & Healthy School jointly by Taiwan International Safe Schools Promotion Center and TKU took place at Chueh-sheng International Conference Hall on Oct. 23. About 100 community safety professionals and experts from Taiwan, the U.S., Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong participated. Except exploring the systems of safe and healthy schools, the participants also shared their experiences and achievements of promoting safe school campuses

President Flora C.I. Chang chaired the opening ceremony of the Forum. Tamsui Town Mayor Yeh-wei Tsai, the Chair of International Safe Schools, WHO, Mr. Max L. Vosskuhler, and the Editor of WHO Safe Community Monthly, Mr. Koustuv Dalal also delivered speeches at the Forum. Thanking the supports by the Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, Taipei County Public Health Bureau and Tausui Township, President Chang said that it was very important for TKU to have won the National Quality Award and have fulfilled the safe school certification requirement. TKU would take the advantages of the achievements and continue to improve by examining our shortcomings, hoping to make better contributions to the Forum by sharing our experiences. The Dean of General Affairs Hoang-ell Jeng expressed that TKU was certified as the first safe university in the world last year. He also hoped that the Forum would serve as a platform to share the experiences in establishing safe and healthy schools.

TKU General Affairs Office Dean Hoang-ell Jeng, Osaka Kyoiku University President Daisuke Fujita, the National Outreach Coordinator of Children’s Safety Network Ms. Ellen R. Schmidt, and Dong Hwa University Professor Ming-shinn Lee delivered four special lectures at the Forum. In his lecture titled “A Safe University without Walls,” Hoang-ell Jeng talked about TKU’s core concept of a safe university campus with 5E (Enforcement, Environment, Education, Empowerment, Enable) and 3Low (Low Carbon, Low Crime and Low Risk), sharing TKU’s successful safe campus experiences such as promoting smoke-free campus and offering girl students safe free rides from the MRT station to the campus at night. The Forum had group discussions and special topic interviews in three categories: universities, secondary schools and elementary schools. All participants finally agreed that schools should cooperate with local communities to build up safe campuses. ( ~Dean X. Wang )

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