NO. 790


TKU’s international communication has moved a greater step recently. The school signed an “Academic Cooperation Agreement” with Sichuan University on May 24 at Howard Hotel, which makes it become TKU’s 23rd sister school in Mainland China. Besides, Dept. of Economics had signed contracts of “3+2” (undergraduate program) and “1+1” (master program) exchange projects with University of Queensland.

Sichuan University (SU) is one of the top universities in China’s Project 985. Starting from the second semester of the next academic year, both SU and TKU will exchange students. SU will be the 6th sister school in Mainland China to exchange students with TKU. Dr. Tai Wan-chin, Vice President for International Affairs, said that TKU had begun the communication with SU since last year, when TKU administrative staff participated the academic communication meeting at Sichuan. On May 24, TKU and SU co-held the “Forum for University Presidents in Sichuan and Taiwan: Regional Economical Development and the Social Responsibility of Higher Education,” which initiated the sisterhood. The agreement includes teachers and students interaction, research communication, and exchanges of students and teachers.

Dept. of Economics will offer the chances of abroad study in University of Queensland (UQ) for qualified junior students and master program graduate students. Those who take part in this project may attain double degrees from TKU and UQ. The applicant for the “3+2” program, have to meet the following requirements: completion of 128 credits (131 credits for those who entered TKU in 2008 academic year), average score over 70, verified English Language proficiency. Applicant for the “1+1” program has to completed one year courses in TKU, and then take 8 courses in the master program of UQ.

Dr. Chuan Shi-feng, Chair, Dept. of Economics, explains that University of Queensland is among the world top 50 best universities. With these programs, students would not only fulfill the dream of abroad studies but also nurture a solid world view. Wu Wei-chen, first year graduate, Dept. of Economics, expressed that the department was very thoughtful to figure out a system for student to get double degrees by studying in TKU and UQ respectively for one year. ( ~Chen Chi-szu )

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