NO. 790


The 2009 school year student clubs evaluation results were released to the public on May 28. Painting and Sketching Club has won seven year in a row as the top prize in Artistry, Language category while TKU Recreation Guidance club won its fourth top prize in Recreational category. Aerobic and Fitness Club also took its third top prize in Sports category. When presiding over the award-giving ceremony of the annual student club awards, TKU President Dr. Flora C. I. Chang gave highest regard to all student clubs who have done their best in making their own club a better one. Wang Wan-ju, a sophomore in the Department of Spanish, who doubled as the leader of the Painting and Sketching Club, was extremely excited when given the top prize award. She even screamed with joy on stage while her club mates cheered together.

This year, a total of 161 student clubs joined the competition, which is 17 more in comparison with last year. CEO of the Student Club Evaluation Committee Li Ching-fang, a senior in Department of Electrical Engineering, said they had come up with a new prize this year, Students’ Choice, to give all TKU students the chance to pick their favorite club. The newly-launched prize urges all the clubs to try to do their best in showing the distinguished characters of their clubs. The prize was won by Kaohsiung Area High-school Alumni Association. The deputy head of the association Hsu Po-hsuan, sophomore in the Department of Russia, said his club had launched an online promotion campaign prior to the voting took place. All the members of the club had also asked for support from their classmates. They even set up a booth that was designed in the shape of Ferris Wheels in the hope of attracting the most attention. One of the Evaluation Committee judges Kuo Hsuan-chih, a staff in the Collections and Technical Services section of the library, said she was deeply impressed with all the student club giving their best performance in the evaluation. She especially pointed out the result report compiled by the Recreation Guidance club which is done in the PDCA style, an excellent job that deserves credit.

Street Dance Club won the No.1 in TKU Lanyang Campus student club evaluation award. The club leader Chu Ting-yun, a sophomore in the Department of Global Politics and Economics, said the Street Dance Club is the club with most members in Lanyang campus. The club didn’t win in last year’s evaluation. But this year, the club has done a greater job in doing social services in middle and elementary schools, which is probably why it won. Chu added that her club will continue to teach young students to do dancing in the future. Another Lanyang campus club Rock and Roll Club had won a Most Improved Student Club award. The club’s leader Wang Tsu-chieh, another sophomore in Department of Global Politics and Economic, said she was really happy to win the award, adding that her club will continue its work in social services around communities and schools.

Yi Chu, a sophomore in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, who is going to take the position as vice president of Student Union, said she has learned a lot from other clubs during the evaluation. She will spend even more time in the future to do great report for the next evaluation. Wu Ching-i, a freshman in the Department of Insurance, said the clubs in TKU is quite different from those back in her high school days. She has to better prepared for the evaluation in the future. ( ~Yeh Yun-kai )

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