NO. 892

Compulsory Student Club Courses Evolve

In the 2011 academic year, student club courses became compulsory for freshmen. Since then, new courses have emerged, like the course Learning and Practice of Clubs, which is now in its second year. Like many courses, it has evolved and grown to cater for student and faculty needs. For example, it now comprises 2-hour classes (instead of one-hour classes), but is held fortnightly (instead of weekly).

The course coordinator, TKU senior faculty member Wayne Huang, described some of the other development of the course. This year, participants must take the course in their original classes, with their original classmates, instead of being able to go from class to class as they please. This has made it easier to carry out group discussions, group assignments, simplified the process of managing attendance, and created more cohesion and solidarity among class members and teachers.

Lu Bo-Hsian, who has taken the course two years running, noted that this year the course has become more in-depth, with more of a complete system to it, and the scope of its activities has increased. “I prefer the course now”, Lu added.

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