NO. 915

Strategic Military Games and Drills Take Place On Taipei Campus

【Reported by Jia-wen Lin, Tamkang Times】The Strategic and Research Center held the third annual “Business War Games” on December 8th on the Taipei Campus, attracting individuals from universities all over Taiwan. In the previous events the theme has been oriented around commercial development, this year the focus was on government politics and macro economics. The participants used computers to simulate their strategies from national defense, international diplomacy, economic trade and so forth. Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Technology, Tzu-Yuan Su, stated, “The first group used an ideal strategy and logic in accomplishing their task.” The winning group of the first heat of business wargames received 5000 NT dollars.

On December 12th the “Political-military Game” was held on Taipei Campus, which included the participation of 6 universities and 11 various departments. This activity selected a mix military personnel and scholars to work together in cooperative drills and exercises. The two themes were Cross-strait political business and the reenactment of the Sino-Japanese War, both being very delicate and sensitive subjects. The event organizer, Qifan Wang, stated, “Not only are these military drills our field of expertise, but we also want to promote an exchange with other military strategic organizations.” First year student of the Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies, Yu-qing Lin, stated, “Every school uses different methods, so through observation and discussion we can really absorb a lot of knowledge.”

NO.915 | Update:2013-12-20 | Clicks:896 | Download:

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