NO. 918

Alumni From the Department of Mechanical and Electro Engineering Gives Lecture on Solar Energy

【Reported by Hao-ge Xu, Tamkang Times】On January 2nd the Department of Mechanical and Electro-mechanical Engineering invited Ever Energy Co.’s research manager, Jin-lung Lin, to give a lecture on, “A Summary of Modern Solar Technology.” The event was hosted by professor in the Department of Mechanical and Electro-mechanical Engineering, Ching-bing Lin, who expressed, “Jin-lung Lin graduated from Tamkang University and it is a real treasure for him to share his knowledge and experience regarding solar energy.” Jin-lin Lung stated that since 2011 he became a senior researcher at Ever Energy Co. Initially he didn’t know much about solar energy so he had to learn about it and gather more knowledge on the job to meet his work requirements. Ever Energy Co. converts silicon chips into solar batteries, a process that requires assistance from other companies. He stated, “It’s the same as life. We can not achieve much on our own. We must work together with others in order to reach our true goals.”

NO.918 | Update:2014-01-10 | Clicks:868 | Download:

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