NO. 905

Title The College of Education Designs Doctoral Educational Leadership Skills and Management Program

【Reported by Qian-wen Pan, Tamkang Times】This year the College of Education has designed the Doctoral Educational Leadership Skills and Management Program. The Dean of this college, Dian-fu Chang, expressed, “This year we have selected students with different skills and backgrounds so that we could have more thorough developments involving research. I’m hoping this will stimulate some new leadership concepts. It would be better if this program could get the students into critical thinking so that in the future they could become innovative leaders of education. The most important aspect of being a leader is independent thinking. ”

The College of Education has done a great amount of planning and investing into this new program which is designed to cultivate professional leadership skills. In addition to leadership and management skills, the students will also receive training in international communications such as publishing articles and essays, giving them both modern and traditional skills. One student testing into the program who is also an assistant of the Department of Economics, Yan-ling Lin, stated, “Because I am researching economics and analyzing labor rates for the marketplace I’m very interested in this course. It’s not only educational and useful for my career, but I want to personally become a better leader and educator.”

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