NO. 903

Juei-hu Hsu is Appointed Position as Economic and Cultural Representative in Japan

【Reported by Tian-ran Xia, Tamkang Times】Alumni from the Department of Japanese, Juei-hu Hsu, is appointed a position in Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan. Jui-hu Hsu humbly stated, “Taking on this responsibility is quite frightening. Originally I only handled issues related to general affairs or administration, but this is cross-cultural professional business, farming and finance. In each of these categories they typically send a specialists to assist so I still have a lot to learn on the job. But most importantly I want to assist the ambassador and improve the relationship between Taiwan and Japan.

Director for the Center of Japanese Studies, Ching-shan Hu, stated, “Juei-hu Hsu is a very valuable asset to the Department of Foreign Affairs. He is very enthusiastic and uses his technical skills to build and maintain important bridges. Not only should Tamkang University be proud of his achievements, the entire country should be proud of what he’s done!”

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