NO. 931

150 Students and Teachers Attend the Sophomore Junior Student Discussion

【Reported by Ying-tian Fan, Bo-jun Zhuang, Tamkang Times】On May 6th Vice President of Academic Affairs, Gwo-hsing Yu, hosted the Sophomore and Junior Research Discussion. The Tamkang Times Article 896 has a detailed account of all the happenings that took place during the event. The students recommended a new cross-major curriculum design for the entire university. The Epoch Foundation also put forth the plan for youth leaders designed by the College of Business and Management. Gwo-hsing Yu stated, “These are excellent suggestions brought forth and put together by the student body. Let’s be sure to continue to put together ideas because they will eventually become the foundation and direction of the university.”

Also in attendance was President Flora Chia-I Chang, Vice President of Administration, Po-yuan Kao, Vice President of International Affairs, Wan-chin Tai, along with student representatives, bringing the total number of participants up to around 150 people. The student representatives brought several issues to the table including the prices for student dining, sports facilities that will be available after the construction of Shou Chien International Conference Center, student safety and rights, prices for dining in the Lanyang Campus cafeteria and possible issues with the convenient stores in the vicinity.

The Office of General Affairs mentioned that the Shou Chien International Conference Center would contain a basketball court, volleyball court, ice-skating rink and lots of parking for all the students to enjoy. The student representatives were pleased to meet with the directors of the different departments as they received detailed input related to the mentioned issues.

NO.931 | Update:2014-05-20 | Clicks:904 | Download:

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