NO. 943

3 New Massive Open Online Courses

【Reported by Yu-xuan Li, Tamkang Times】There’s great news for anyone who desires to learn and study online. The Ministry of Education is promoting three MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) including E-calligraphy, Accounting and Internet Items. Apply for these courses at link ( You can register for these classes officially starting on the 27th of October. The objective of these courses is to make fair and quality learning more accessible for everyone.

Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Chih-yung Chang, stated that the courses will not extend past 30 minutes, which will make students focus even more. He stated, “This online course also allows the teachers to teach more freely, giving the information that is most necessary without having to tailor it according to the speed of a traditional classroom.”

NO.943 | Update:2014-10-29 | Clicks:707 | Download:

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