NO. 1171

Aerospace Engineering Department Hosts the CubeSat Competition, 3 teams from TKU Advanced to the Semi-finals

Organized by Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) and hosted by our university's Department of Aerospace Engineering, the "5th CubeSat Mission Design Competition" will take place on October 30th at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Hall 2. The 10 teams that have advanced to the semi-finals will present their reports in English.

The CubeSat Mission Design Competition was first established in 2017 and became an annual event starting in 2021. It is organized by TASA to inspire participating students to explore the concept of CubeSat satellites, design innovative and eye-catching space projects or missions. The evaluation criteria focus on the originality of the designs, followed by the technical aspects and the level of mission definition or system design. The winning team will have the opportunity to receive recommendations and grants from TASA to participate in the international competition in 2024.

A total of 29 students from our university's Department of Aerospace Engineering enthusiastically responded to the competition. They formed 5 teams and submitted extended abstracts for the initial selection. Out of these teams, 3 advanced to the finals. The selected teams and their respective themes are as follows: Led by Yen-Chen Chen, a third-year aerospace student: "Observing Black Holes Using CubeSat for Gravitational Lensing;" led by Yu-Ching Jiang, a third-year aerospace student: "Observing Solar Flares Using CubeSat and Relay Station Systems;" and the team led by Ru-Ting Yang, a second-year aerospace student: "Monitoring High-Energy Particles in the Van Allen Radiation Belt Using CubeSat Missions." Assistant Professor Kai-Ti Wang, the teams' advisor, hopes that these students participating in the mission competition will proceed step by step, completing the required design and research for each aspect. She also encourages them to maintain the patience and perseverance necessary for researchers and work diligently towards their dreams of CubeSat missions.

SDGs: #SDG4 Quality Education #SDG9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure #SDG17 Partnerships for the Goals

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