NO. 1176

Joint Unveiling of the Research Centers of Business and Management College: Chairperson Flora Chia-I Chang Encourages the Enhancement of Teaching and Research Capabilities

On December 18, the College of Business and Management held a joint unveiling ceremony for the Research Centers in B302B and B302F of the Business Building. Dean Li-Ren Yang explained that due to the dispersion of various research centers and the responsible faculty members across different floors of the Business Building, the shared sign has been placed at the entrance of B302F. Hon. Dr. Joseph Wang, Trustee of our university, was invited to serve as the chief advisor for the 11 research centers. Chairperson Flora Chia-I Chang, President Huan-Chao Keh, TKU Worldwide Alumni Association President Dennis Chen, Alumni Association Chief Advisor Lawrence Lin, TKU Alumni Association Headquarters of Departments President Tzu-Hwa Chuang, and the 3 Vice Presidents, Dr. Hui-Huang Hsu, Dr. Chun-Hung Lin, and Dr. Hsiao-Chuan Chen, were all present to witness and participate in the grand unveiling ceremony.

Chairperson Chang expressed gratitude in her speech for the alumni's support for various activities at Tamkang University. She shared that she had served as a teaching assistant in the Department of Business Administration and taught economics in the Department of Finance. She admired the College of Business and Management for having a diverse array of research centers and expressed hope that the joint unveiling ceremony would create a good start for the development of each research center. She looks forward to collaboration among faculty, students, alumni, and businesses to boost the teaching and research capabilities across departments.

President Keh believes that establishing research centers can become distinctive highlights for each department. He expressed gratitude for the efforts and encouragement from the alumni association presidents, chief advisors, and chairpersons. President Keh acknowledged the significant support given to the operations of various colleges and departments at the university. Through interdisciplinary collaboration and linking with industry resources, students will have more opportunities for internships and industry-academia cooperation. President Keh hopes that each research center in the College of Business and Management will actively seek various government project opportunities in the future.

Hon. Dr. Joseph Wang praised several research centers for including sustainability issues in their names. He emphasized, “Energy conservation, plastic reduction, and carbon reduction are the trends of the future world. Carry a paper bag with you at all times and avoid using plastic bags!” He hopes to cultivate a sense of sustainability in students of the College of Business and Management, whether they are currently enrolled or graduates. He particularly encouraged students, once they enter society, to value communication and coordination among teams.

Hon. Dr. Dennis Chen approved ESG sustainable operations, conducting in-depth research on government policies, accountants, and owner behaviors. Using ESG, he focuses on overall social development and expects Tamkang University to have a place in this research field. Lawrence Lin explained that alumni are crucial mentors for each research center. Combining alumni's expertise will undoubtedly bring significant assistance to the university. He confidently stated, “We must make full use of our alumni.”

The College of Business and Management has 10 research centers, with the Circular Economy and Green Finance Research Center jointly participated in by faculty from the Department of Economics and the Department of Industrial Economics. Tzu-Hwa-Chuang and the President of TKU Golden Eagle Club Chen-Rong Chian serve as chief advisors. Each department has a corresponding research center. In addition to the existing Cross-Strait Financial Research Center, Center for Information Technology Usage Behavior Research, and Circular Economy and Green Finance Research Center, the Strategic Value Management and ESG Sustainability Development Research Center, and the Research Center for Economic Ethics were established on December 1 last year. Other departments established 5 research centers starting on August 1, including the Aging Society Welfare and Insurance Research Center, Center for Green Technology and Smart City, Statistical Consulting Center, Collaborative Governance Research Center, and Global Business Management and Decision Making Research Center. In addition, there is a university-level “Transportation and Logistics Research Center,” making a total of 11 research centers.

SDGs: #SDG4 Quality Education #SDG8 Decent Work and Economic Growth #SDG9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure #SDG11 Sustainable Cities and Communities #SDG17 Partnerships for the Goals

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