英文電子報 2006-10-02


As part of the celebration commemorating TKU’s 56th founding anniversary, the Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center will host an exhibition under the theme of “Beauty of Lanyang” on November 5th at Lanyang. For this exhibition, the center invited 108 artists to visit Lanyang Campus in September, who will in turn draw down or finalize their impressions on next Tuesday at the Center at Tamsui Campus with various medium that range from oil, watercolor, ink, to photography.

Among these artists, we can find some big names, such as the Picasso expert, Ho Choa-chu, Dean of the College of Fine Arts from Taipei National University of the Arts, Lin Chan-hu, and calligrapher, Lin Kuo-shan. Big names or not so big names, they all have been asked to use Chiao-hsi and Mount Lin-mei as the backdrop for their works, a task that should not be too difficult. On their visit to Lanyang Campus back in September, they found the landscape there inspiring.

According to Wu Ching-chen, an ink and wash painting artist, the architecture of Lanyang exhibits a flair of Post-modernism, that embodies minimalism in color and style. With a simple design of a glass wall for the Clement Chang International Conference Hall, he was able to see through it an eagle swirling up to the clear blue sky. He sighed with delight that only a city so high up can offer such a privileged view. His luck did not stop there. As he was walking down the Lin Mei Trail not far from the campus, he captured a glimpse of the elegant glide of a rare crested serpent eagle above him. No wonder, he envies Lanyang’s students who, he said, could enjoy a fantastic wildlife, fabulous view of the Lanyang Plain, and Kua-shan sunrise every single day. He also appreciates the modern sun roofs on top of the buildings here, because they allow an intimacy between men and nature. A truly modern campus with great human spirit, he marveled. (~ Ying-hsueh Hu )

NO.654 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1600 | 下載:

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