英文電子報 2006-10-11


President Flora Chang gave out 3 big checks at the conference, with one million dollars bonus to the leader of robot researching team, also the Chair of Electrical Engineering –Wong Ching-Chang, for horning the great performance with one gold medal and one copper at FIRA World Cup of Robot Soccer this year. Another 2 personal bonus of 100 thousand dollars are awarded to Wong Ching-Chang and the Chair of information and library science – Song Sheue-Fang. This August, Song Sheue-Fang and a graduated student Hung Hui-Tse won the award of best poster with the topic of “national public library service on street homeless people” at the 72th World library and Information conference.

The three big checks are given to people with world honors which show the response and attention to the trend of globalization at school.

Wong said, “thank for the support from school, and the money will be used on developing and creating new robots for preparing the international tournament in the future.” (~ Peiling Hsia )

NO.655 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1651 | 下載:

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