英文電子報 2010-03-01


After the longest winter vacation ever ended, all teachers and staffs went to work on February 19. At 10 A.M of the initial day of the semester, President C. I. Chang hosted the mass greetings at Chuehsheng International Conference Hall. The hall was decorated with diverse auspicious symbols, including spring calligraphy couplet, god of fortune, tiger statue, apple and orange (representing peace and luck respectively). President Chang sent every participant a golden tiger mascot as a gift to wish for a “luck, fortune, and joy in the year of tiger.”

President Chang indicates that TKU has many associations with “tiger,” including the founding place of the school—“Five Tiger Hill,” and the founding year—the year of tiger. In addition, the 60th school anniversary coincides with the year of tiger. Conforming to the traditional custom, President Chang has gone to Longshan Temple to set the yearly blessing guardians for the peace and progress of the school, wishing all the teachers and staff, retired faculty, and alumni would join the great celebrating events.

Two administrative heads who were born in the year of tiger, Dean of Office of General Affair Dr. Jeng Hoang-ell and Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Ko Chih-en, represent others to share their good wishes. Dr. Jeng wishes everyone for a better luck in the year of tiger. Dr. Ko reminded herself about the coming challenges of the year and wished to “run like a tiger to encounter any challenge.” Dr. Liou Ay-hwa, Dean of the College of Entrepreneurial Development, presented a couplet to wish the school a better development—“Tiger shows the invincible force at Five Tiger Hill,” “Eagle flies over Linmei Mountain,” and “Tiger with the wings.” Lin Chiang-feng Executive Director of EMBA, represented the staff of Taipei campus to make the greetings.

In the meantime President Chang made important announcement for the yearly missions. First, in the Meeting of University Presidents held on February 2 and 3, R.O.C. President Ma Ying-jeou had highlighted the issues of retirement policies, better higher education, and internationalization. Globalization is one of developmental targets for this year. She wished everyone to contribute to this efforts. In addition, in that same meeting, Higher Education Evaluation & Accreditation Council of Taiwan pointed out that the 2011 yearly evaluation of school administration of the universities will be divided in two waves and will emphasize the ideas of Total Quality Management. The focuses of the evaluation will be on self-location, administrative management, teaching resources, contribution and social responsibility, and continuing improvement. President Chang called for the full cooperation and efforts of all staff for this important mission. ( ~Chen Chi-szu )

NO.777 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:2162 | 下載:

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