全民英檢秘笈 2010-12-20



1. 不知不覺地 unknowingly

2. 冒出來 pop out

3. 成熟的 mature

4. 會雙語的 bilingual

5. 會三國語言的 trilingual

6. 一輩子的 lifetime

7. 資產 asset

8. 承擔 assume

9. 極端高興、如幻覺般 delirious

10. 拓展視野 broaden the horizons

11. 幾次 a few times

12. 沒幾次 few times

13. 好幾次 quite a few times

14. 天災 natural disaster

15. 人禍 man-made catastrophes

16. 彌補 compensate

17. 不甘願的 reluctant

18. 去參加一個場合 attend

19. 加入 participate

20. 電視廣告 TV commercial

21. 平面廣告 advertisement

22. 演藝界 show business


1. 不知不覺中,她變的成熟了。

___, she __ __ __.

2. 他的聲音突然冒出來!

His voice suddenly __ __!

3. 他會兩國語言,她則會說三國語言。

He’s ___ and she is ___.

4. 勇氣是我們一輩子的資產。

is our .

5. 自從她母親過世之後,她就承擔

起照顧弟妹的責任 。

She __ __ the __ for her

brothers and sisters ever since her

mother ___ ___.

6. 我興奮不已,感覺不像真的!

I feel ___!

7. 我們不但要拓展視野,也要拓展


We should ___ ___ ___

our horizons, but also our ___.

8. 我們見過好幾次!

We __ __quite __ __


9. 天災人禍摧毀了這個國家!

___ ___ and __ ___

have ___ this country.

10. 我該如何彌補你的損失?

How __ I __for your __?

11. 他心不甘情不願地去參加這個


__, he ___ the ___.

12. 我將加入一個很棒的團隊!

I'm going to __ __a great team!

13. 這個電視廣告裡的女模特兒好


The_____in this _____ looks _____!

14. 請把這個廣告剪下來!

Please_____this_____ _____!

15. 她在演藝界

She is in _____ _____.


1. Unknowingly, has become mature

2. pops out

3. bilingual, trilingual

4. Courage, lifetime asset

5. has assumed, responsibility, passed



6. delirious

7. broaden not only, minds

8. have met, a few times

9. Natural disasters, man-made

catastrophes, destroyed

10. should , compensate, loss

11. Reluctantly, attended, wedding

12. participate in

13. model, commercial, familiar

14. cut, advertisement off

15. show business

NO.808 | 更新時間:2010-12-20 | 點閱:1881 | 下載:

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