英文電子報 2011-04-25

TKU Volunteers in Cambodia

During this year’s Chinese New Year vacation in February, a group of 12 TKU students went to Cambodia to serve as volunteers. It was the group’s fourth time volunteering in Cambodia. Before departing, they tirelessly organized their luggage, taking out all non-essential items to make room for goods that they would distribute to the local students.

While in Cambodia, the team of volunteers provided local students with lessons in the fields of Chinese language and computer studies. The Chinese lessons were conducted in an entertaining format, involving singing and drawing activities which piqued the interest of the local students; while the computer lessons were based on practical problem-solving scenarios.

Group member Chen Bo-da shared that “through the experience, I noticed how the local students touched and influenced our volunteers, and inspired them to grow”.

NO.814 | 更新時間:2011-04-25 | 點閱:1952 | 下載:

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