英文電子報 2011-04-25

Have you ever looked at the world upside down?

On the 21st Feb, the chairman of Theatre Du Momento, Ming Zheng Huang, also known as “Mr. Candle,” came to TKU to give a talk and share his interesting life experiences. In the lecture hall in which the talk was held, students crammed into the aisles, taking up all available seats as lines began to form outside the doors of the lecture hall. The topic of Mr. Huang’s speech involved social movements organized by non-profit organizations. During his speech, he also talked of his experiences traveling around Taiwan. During his travels, he went from point to point performing handstands for prolonged periods of time at a variety of symbolic Taiwanese landmarks. He filmed his adventure and arranged for his picture to be taken at each location. His story became widely documented and he began to be known as “Mr. Candle”. After the talk, a small-scale signing session was held and students swooned on “Mr. Candle” hoping to get his signature or take a picture with him. In his five months travelling around Taiwan, he witnessed both the good and bad aspects of this small island country. “Taiwan’s land is as beautiful as the sun, yet its political scene does more harm than good.” He expressed his belief that Taiwanese art is shackled by a lack of creativity, and shared his deep sorrow at seeing countless underprivileged families as well as landslide disaster zones around Taiwan.

NO.814 | 更新時間:2011-04-25 | 點閱:2192 | 下載:

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