英文電子報 2011-04-25

Caption:Music Mania Grips Tamkang

The TKU Department of French invited Canadian music sensation Alex Nevsky to perform at TKU’s Tamsui Campus. On the 21st of March at the TKU Carrie Chang Music Hall, the popular rock group took to the stage amid frantic cheers from a capacity audience. First year French student, Yang You-wei, who was part of the crowd, gave an enthusiastic appraisal of the performance: “I’m also in a band, but seeing Alex Nevsky perform live on stage just blew me away.” Not only did the band members themselves look really cool, but their audio equipment and synthesizers were incredible. I’m a fan!”

Alex Nevsky commented on the enthusiastic response from the crowd: “[Playing here at TKU] was an amazing experience. I was especially touched by the way the audience got involved and interacted with us. It was a truly memorable experience!”

NO.818 | 更新時間:2011-04-25 | 點閱:2026 | 下載:

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