英文電子報 2011-04-25

Fundraiser Fun at Tamkang

The 2011 Northern Taipei Universities Charity Fundraiser received donations from a variety of social dignitaries. The current President of the Republic of China, Mr. Ma Ying-jeou, donated a jewelry box; the Premier of the Executive Yuan, Wu Den-yi, donated NTD50,000; the Mayor of New Taipei City, Eric Chu, donated ten signed autobiographies, and well-known TV personality , Micky Huang, donated a number of personally designed figurines. The items are to be placed on the internet, where they will be available for purchase by the highest bidder. For more details, refer to the website http://www.wretch.cc/blog/charity2010.

Third year Department of Business Administration student, Lin Jia Xuan, who is also the President of the TKU Business and Management Association, explained how he didn’t expect to receive items from such high profile members when he originally sent the invitations out at the beginning of the event.

The main fundraising event, however, was held at the TKU Tamsui campus, where stalls were set up and a plethora of goods were being sold for lower than average prices.

NO.818 | 更新時間:2011-04-25 | 點閱:2071 | 下載:

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