全民英檢秘笈 2011-05-06




a. Having studied English from Dr. Wang, my listening has improved a lot!

b. Have studied English from Dr.Wang, my listening has improved a lot!

c. Have had studied English from Dr.Wang, my listening has improved a lot!


a. I love to eat beg noodles and bubble tea.

b. I love to eat oyster omelettes, fried rice noodles and bubble tea.

c. I love to eat oyster omelettes, turnip cakes and bubble tea.


a. The pores on your nose are big and black.

b. The pores on your right cheek are big and black.

c. The pores on your right chin are big and black.


a. Fortune is sometimes right, sometimes wrong.

b. Fortunately, is sometimes right, sometimes wrong.

c. Fortunetellers are sometimes right, sometimes wrong.


a. I prefer water, because juices are too sweet.

b. I prefer ice water, because juices are too sweet.

c. I prefer mineral water, because juices are too sweet.


a. My back hurts when I wear high heels.

b. My back hurts when I wear high shoes.

c. My back hurts when I wear sandals.


a. I like to eat baked potatoes in winter.

b. I like to eat baked sweet potatoes in winter.

c. I like to eat baked tomatoes in winter.


a. I often poopoo.

b. I'm often constipated.

c. I often cannot go to bathroom.


a. I eat chicken, you eat duck.

b. I eat chicken, you eat chicken, too.

c. I eat chicken wings, you eat drumsticks!


1. a(這是分詞片語)

2. b(bubble tea : 珍珠奶茶 ; oyster : 蚵 ; rice noodles : 米粉)

3. b

4. c(fortuneteller : 算命師)

5. c

6. a(high heels : 高跟鞋 ; sandals : 涼鞋)

7. b(sweet potato : 地瓜)

8. b(poopoo是小孩用語,指「大便」的動詞和名詞)

9. c(drumstick : 雞腿 ; 因為形狀像「鼓」)

NO.823 | 更新時間:2011-05-06 | 點閱:1826 | 下載:

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