英文電子報 2011-06-01

Little Britain, Taiwan

On May 18th, TKU Langyang Campus’ Department of Multicultural and Linguistic Studies held a graduation performance, which was delivered entirely in English. The performance, entitled ‘Little Britain, Taiwan’, adapted the popular British sketch comedy “Little Britain” to a Taiwanese context. It featured a series of skits providing both exaggerated and realistic portrayals of the lives of everyday Taiwanese. The skits were also satirical, poking fun at common attitudes held by many Taiwanese, like the tendency to worship everything foreign. Fourth year student, Lin Shih-Peng, said “I’m really touched by the diligence and strong work ethic the actors displayed in preparing for the play. I had no idea that we had such talented and humorous classmates in our department”.

NO.825 | 更新時間:2011-06-01 | 點閱:2214 | 下載:

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