英文電子報 2011-06-07

Tamkang Tea Ceremony – A Special Visitor

The TKU Japanese Cultural Research Club recently held a series of Japanese cultural activities. One of the more notable events was a class on the Japanese art of tea ceremony. To ensure the authenticity of Japanese cultural knowledge, the club invited a well-known instructor of Urasenke tea ceremony, Ms. Seki Syuki.

The leader of the research club, second year Japanese student Tsai Ruey-ting, noted that Ms. Syuki is in fact the club sponsor, having generously funded the purchase of tea sets for the club.

As Ms. Syuki demonstrated the intricate steps involved in tea ceremony, the students looked on intently. Ms. Syuki praised the students: “Out of all the universities at which I’ve taught tea ceremony, this is the first group of students to wear formal kimono attire. I’m extremely touched”.

On May 20, the club also held a separate exhibition, in which they showcased all that they had learned over the past year. On display were tea sets and kimonos. The club also demonstrated how to wear a kimono and how to carry out traditional Japanese tea ceremony. Department of Japanese assistant professor and club supervisor, Liao Yu-ching, explained that in the past the club focused mainly on traditional Japanese dance. This year, however, the emphasis has shifted to tea ceremony.

NO.826 | 更新時間:2011-06-07 | 點閱:2263 | 下載:

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