學校要聞 2011-11-15

A Quality New Publication “World Literatures”

TKU’s College of Foreign Languages and Literatures recently signed an agreement with Linking Publishing to cooperate in publishing a leading new periodical called “World Literatures”. Tamkang will be responsible for the compilation and editing of content; while Linking will be in charge of printing and publishing and will provide TKU with annual subsidies of NT $1 million. The Dean of the TKU College of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Dr. Wu Hsi Deh, said that this is TKU’s most pioneering academic endeavor in the field of literature at present. World Literatures is currently accepting article submissions and will continue to do so until Dec. 15.

Dr. Wu further explained that World Literatures is the first publication in Taiwan to compile literary offerings in a wide range of languages from around the world, and is therefore one of the more diverse and multi-faceted publications of its kind. Helping to publish the periodical will enhance TKU’s reputation and secure its position as a leading research institution in the area of foreign literature, Dr. Wu added.

NO.837 | 更新時間:2011-11-15 | 點閱:1963 | 下載:

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