學校要聞 2011-11-15

A Visit from the National Defense University

Today (Oct 27), a group of 19 delegates from the ROC National Defense University (NDU) visited the TKU Tamsui Campus. Led by the NDU Vice President, Lieutenant General Fu Yong-mau, the group consisted of senior academic and administrative staff from NDU, who came to the Tamsui Campus to take part in a day of interaction and exchange.

The day’s schedule comprised a briefing on TKU’s administrative procedures, a tour of the campus and various academic and administrative departments, a discussion on administrative policies, a demonstration of the TKU e-Calligraphy System, and an exchange of gifts.

During the opening speech delivered by the President of TKU, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang, President Chang described Tamkang’s core educational principles, which include the “Three Circles” (professional curriculum, core curriculum, and extracurricular curriculum) and “Five Disciplines of Education” (conduct, intelligence, physical education, teamwork, and beauty), as well as Tamkang University’s “Triple Objectives of Education” (globalization, information-oriented and future-oriented education). The visit concluded with a group photo in front of the TKU Memorial Library.

NO.838 | 更新時間:2011-11-15 | 點閱:1643 | 下載:

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