學校要聞 2012-11-20

A Host of Activities to Celebrate 62

To celebrate Tamkang University’s 62nd anniversary, an Official Ceremony was held at the Shao Mo Memorial Gymnasium (7th floor) on the morning of Saturday November 3. Among those in attendance at the ceremony were the President of TKU, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang; Board of Trustee Members Yea-hong Chen and Chen-Nan Ching; Board of Trustees Supervisor Mei-lan Wang; former TKU Presidents Louis R Chow, Yun-shan Lin, and Horng-jinh Chang; as well as the President of Soochow University, Dr. Pan Wei Ta.

During the Official Ceremony, TKU presented the prestigious Golden Eagle Award to six outstanding alumni as well as certificates to alumni who have donated funds or helped to raise funds for the university.

There was also a speech by the TKU President. President Chang expressed gratitude to Board of Trustees members for their ongoing support. She thanked former TKU presidents – who helped to create a solid foundation for continual growth – and TKU faculty, staff, and students; as well as the 230,000 TKU alumni who make it possible for Tamkang to continue to improve and who help to reinforce Tamkang’s excellent reputation.

President Chang explained that over the past three years, TKU has implemented each of its primary goals related to instruction and research. These include hiring teachers who are experts in their respective industries, increasing the level of interaction and exchange between TKU and its sister universities, and continually improving the teaching and research environment in order to enhance TKU’s competitiveness in the job market.

Moreover, President Chang noted that in the last few years TKU has focused on providing a more well-rounded education by not only offering high quality specialized courses, but also helping students to develop moral character and equip them with the leadership skills necessary to succeed in the workforce. To achieve this goal, Tamkang has implemented compulsory student club courses, which teach students about teamwork and leadership, as well as service learning programs, in which students go into the local community to serve and contribute.

NO.875 | 更新時間:2012-11-20 | 點閱:1350 | 下載:

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