學校要聞 2012-11-20

Brother A-Zhong’s Postcards – A Hit at the TKU Campus Fair
文創課實踐夢想 五百元改變一家店
你注意到了嗎?3日校慶大會的海報街上,有個特別的攤位,招牌掛著「淡水印象館」,販售淡水在地攝影師「阿忠哥」的風景明信片,將老淡水的故事帶給淡江人。當天共賣出近150張明信片,組員英文四林舒蘋表示,此次特地和替阿忠哥舉辦攝影展的運動廠商Go Hiking合作,提供不少贈品,「當天有很多人抱走價值千元的T恤!」 這是由文化創意產業課程「全球文化行銷企劃專題」課堂中誕生的創意,授課教師陳甫彥規劃此項特別作業:「用500元改變一家店」,讓40位學生分為5組,各自發想出不同的點子。陳甫彥表示,相較於通識課程,較小班制的課堂,「同學可以提出自己的主見。」他希望藉此讓來自各院系、不同背景的學生有機會彼此交流互動,刺激靈感,並學習團體合作,「也強迫他們走出校園,多看看這個世界。」 「淡水印象館」選擇的店家是「淡水漁業生活影像館」,組長資管四林秀玲表示,「近年是淡水變化很大的一年,許多地景都有新的面貌,包括淡水最老的街道—重建街,之前也面臨拆除的爭議。」另外4組的同學提案包括:將「18 Ice Cream Bar」變成淡水的Live house展演空間、推廣「The Big Issue」雜誌,邀請販售員來淡江演講、為淡水特色二手書店「有河Book」策劃不同活動,還有在本校牧羊草坪辦演唱會,再現臺灣民歌風潮。(文/李又如、攝影/賴意婕)

On November 3, one of the stalls at the TKU Campus Fair was selling the postcards of well-known local photographer, Brother A-Zhong. The stall was set up jointly by TKU students and the sport wear company, Go Hiking, which previously sponsored a Brother A-Zhong photo exhibition. A total of close to 150 postcards were sold during the campus fair, and many lucky students got to take home free Go Hiking t-shirts valued at up to $1,000 NT.

The idea to team up with Go Hiking was part of a classroom assignment in which teams of students had to think of innovative ways to market local products. Other proposed ideas included transforming the 18 Ice Cream Bar (a shop near the Tamsui Campus) into a Live House bar and promoting The Big Issue by inviting local vendors of the magazine to come to TKU to deliver lectures.

NO.875 | 更新時間:2012-11-20 | 點閱:1277 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024-04-29 15:36:52
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