學校要聞 2013-01-09

The Honorary Credit Program

Students and teachers from TKU’s first ever “Honorary Credit Program” recently got together to celebrate Christmas. The “Sparkling Christmas Party”, as it was called, was held on December 24, 2012, at the Chinese Palace-style classrooms, Tamsui Campus. The party was attended by senior TKU faculty and staff, including TKU President, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang; the Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Keh Huan-chao; the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Koh Chih-en; the Executive Director of the Innovative Center for Cultural and Creative Industries, Liu Hui-Chuan, and others.

During the party, there was a slideshow that captured memorable experiences from the honorary credit program throughout the past semester.

There were also opening remarks by President Chang. In her speech, the president explained that out of all TKU students, only 200 qualified for the honorary credit program. “Participating students are therefore the best from each academic department”, she noted. Moreover, by taking the program, the work load of each student has increased; yet to stay in the honorary credit program, students must maintain grades in the top 10% of their respective classes. “It is truly a commendable feat”, said President Chang.

NO.882 | 更新時間:2013-01-09 | 點閱:2637 | 下載:

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