學校要聞 2013-01-09

A New Year’s Feast at Lanyang

On December 26, 2012, the TKU Lanyang Campus was home to an end-of-year banquet. The banquet featured a vast selection of delicious pizzas and lively conversation. For students, it was a chance to get to know classmates and teachers outside of the regular classroom setting. It also gave Lanyang students a chance to thank their teachers for all the precious knowledge they have imparted over the past year. The Chair of the Department of Global Political Economy, Dr. Cheng Chin-mo, said that the purpose of the banquet is to allow students and teachers to come together, to recognize and appreciate the hard work each party invests into their studies and instruction, and to create an even greater sense of unity and togetherness at TKU’s Lanyang Campus.

During the party, several students made toasts to another meaningful year at Lanyang, and a bright new year to come.

Exchange student Liu Jie-bing, from Shandong, China, commented: “My stay in Taiwan is almost over. But here in Taiwan, the students and teachers from my department really look after me. I really don’t want to go back!”

NO.882 | 更新時間:2013-01-09 | 點閱:1439 | 下載:

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