學校要聞 2013-01-09

Learning and Teaching for Digital Natives

The TKU College of Education recently published a book entitled “Learning and Teaching for Digital Natives”. The book, which is a collection of papers and research by experts in the field of Educational Technology, represents the first such book of its kind in Taiwan.

The book’s editor-in-chief and professor of Educational Technology at TKU, Dr. Hsun-fang Kao, explained that “digital natives” refers to people who were born in or after the 1980’s; people who grew up in the “age of the internet”. The way people of this generation learn is naturally going to be different from people of earlier generations, notes Dr. Kao. In fact, many teachers at elementary schools and high schools are members of earlier generations, or “Technology immigrants”, who resist keeping up with technology and reject learning about technology. Such people can also be termed “technology refugees”, according to Dr. Kao. The differences in learning between these different groups have created a serious generation gap.

Dr. Kao said that the book contains 11 chapters. She hopes to provide essential information to motivate educators to address the “technology gap” between students and teachers.

NO.882 | 更新時間:2013-01-09 | 點閱:1610 | 下載:

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