學校要聞 2013-03-11

A New Look for TKU's Tamsui Campus

This semester, students came back from the winter vacation to find a new-look Tamsui Campus. Possibly the most eye-catching change is the clearly delineated car and pedestrian "lane" that runs through the main section of the campus. The pedestrian section now boasts a thick layer of light green paint, bordered by a white line, which separates pedestrians from cars. The change is intended to make walking through the campus safer for everyone. The Section Chief of the TKU Energy Conservation and Space Section, Office of General Affairs, Chiang Yu-san, noted that "because it often rains in Tamsui, a coarser form of paint was used when creating the passenger strips so as to prevent students or staff from slipping". Reaction to the change has been mixed. Second year student, Chen Yi-dah, stated: "the new look is really good. It makes the distinction between road and footpath just that bit clearer and therefore safer"; others felt that the additional colors were extraneous.

In addition, the Red 27 and Red 28 bus stands, located at the two ends of the campus, now sport a new, modern look. Installed with "intelligent digital software", the stands display the estimated arrival times of the next bus, and provide entertainment with built-in LCD screens that broadcast Tamkang's very own channel, Cyber TV.

NO.885 | 更新時間:2013-03-14 | 點閱:1678 | 下載:

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