學校要聞 2013-03-18

A Lively Start to a Year of Learning

TKU recently held a Welcome Luncheon for students of the “Online Executive Mater’s Program in Asian Studies”. There are currently 32 students enrolled in the program, many of whom are high-level dignitaries in their home countries. The students came to the Tamsui Campus to take part in an annual initiation, in which they met with past and future supervisors, learned how to use the online course platform, got better acquainted with “classmates”, and came to know a great deal about Tamkang.

During their week-long initiation, the learners took classes in basic Chinese and calligraphy; on how to operate the course platform, and on the topic “Taiwan’s strategic role”. Then, on March 4, they attended the Welcome luncheon.

During the luncheon, Vice President Gwo-hsing Yu delivered opening remarks, in which he expressed how proud Tamkang University is to have a class of “students” as distinguished as this one.

Other attendees at the luncheon included Dr. Guey Antonio Yeh, the former Consular-General of the ROC in Honduras, and Arturo Duarte Ortiz, the Republic of Guatemala Ambassador to the ROC.

A farewell luncheon for the students was held at the Regalees Hotel, Tamsui, on March 8.

NO.887 | 更新時間:2013-03-18 | 點閱:1293 | 下載:

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