學校要聞 2013-03-25

The 2013 International Student Cultural Exhibition

This year’s International Student Cultural Exhibition showcases traditional garb from 16 countries, including the Japanese kimono, the Chinese Chipao, the Indian Sari, and many others. Starting on March 11, the exhibition will display the colors, foods, and fragrances of various countries, creating a small-scale international community at the Black Swan Exhibition Hall, Tamsui Campus.

Lian Shu-ling, a first year student from Malaysia, took part in the international “fashion show” – a central feature of the exhibition. She said this was her first time to participate in the exhibition, and her first time wearing traditional Malaysian attire. “I’m so happy to have had so many new experiences as a freshman”, she exclaimed.

The Dean of International Affairs, Dr. Pei Wha Chi Lee, explained that TKU is home to over 1,000 foreign and overseas Chinese students from over 67 countries. Each year, these students come together to organize an exhibition with a different theme. This year, participating students came from Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, India, Mainland China, Indonesia, South Africa, Argentina, Paraguay, Thailand, Burma, Korea, Vietnam, and Japan.

NO.888 | 更新時間:2013-03-25 | 點閱:1269 | 下載:

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